Sunday, January 16, 2011


Todays photo is a pic of a drunk me. But that has never happened soooooooo you get no photo today.

I flew in to San Diego last night. As I get off the plane I get a call from BR (aka Brandi) and she says she is about 20mins away. SWEET! 10 min later I get another call saying how her car has broken down and she is waiting for a friend and a tow. So I have to call another friend to get me from the airport and take me to BR. Fun Fun. Then a 30min tow ride, because I dont want her to ride back with scary tow man alone, in a truck that smells like smarties. What a great first day in Cali. Now working on getting wheels and her car fixed so we aren't stuck at the house this whole week. =) Im sure hijinks will ensue.

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