Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January Monthly Goals

I was reading the awesome Jennee earlier today and I want to jump on the monthly goal band wagon. She has some lofty ones, I think I am just going to start small.

For the month of January I would like to:

Keep my car clean
Live within my means and maybe as a side note save a little $ too (That might just be wishful thinking though)
Allow myself be happy
Work on my happyness jar (Thank you Pintrest for that idea)

So those are my goals for January. I figure start small and see what happens.


  1. Aww thanks :) I started a happiness jar too, except I haven't put anything in the jar. THis doesn't mean that I didn't have fun playing scrabble the other night with my family, I'm simply not in the habit of writing myself happiness notes. Good luck with your goals this month! I"m glad you are participating.

  2. Jennee IS awesome. I keep hearing about that jar, but I haven't started one yet. I think it's a great idea. Good luck with your car. I am the WORST at keeping mine clean!
