Sunday, November 17, 2013

Well that was November pt 1

November was a crazy busy month! Let's start at the beginning because that is a very good place to start. November 1 I left work early to catch a plane with WVB to Austin, TX for the Chive Charities 1st Annual Green Gala. Oh my god it was amazing!! We got in at about midnight, rented a car and went to meetup with a old WoW guildie from back in the day. I LOVE knowing amazing people all over the world who I can call randomly and say "hey a friend and I are going to be in town can we crash at your place for a few nights" and know that 99% of the time it will be ok. Dom answered accordingly and let us crash no problem.
The next day was full of Chivery! WVB and I met up with the rest of the SD/LA crew at a place called Bangers for lunch. It wasn't just SoCal that showed up either. I would guess 50 chivers were there total.
 Just at lunch I got to meet so many chivers/chivettes that I had previously only known via social media. I also got to meet some for the true first time. On the way out to Austin WVB had told me that the one thing he absolutely wanted to do besides attend the gala was to visit the new/temp Chive office. Some of our new friends from Michigan made this happen by letting us and some Arizona chivers tag along when they got invited to the office. :) For non-chivers you may not understand that this is like going to Disneyland for us.
That night we all got gussied up for the actual gala....
I got to meet amazing chivers and chive charities beneficiarys from all over not just the US but the world. It was a truly amazing time and I hope I can atten next years gala also. 

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